Cannot disable theory covmat in vp-comparefits
Created by: Zaharid
I would expect the following to work and use the experimental covmat only:
$ vp-comparefits -i
Enter base fit: 190310-tg-nlo-DIS
Enter reference fit: 190310-tg-nlo-DIS
Do you want to use the fitted covariance matrix (including theory covariance
matrix) to calculate the statistical estimators? [Y/n]n
Enter report title [default:
Comparison between 190310-tg-nlo-DIS and 190310-tg-nlo-DIS ]:
Enter author name: Zahari Kassabov
Enter keywords: debug
[INFO]: Starting NNPDF fit comparison:
Base fit: 190310-tg-nlo-DIS
Reference fit: 190310-tg-nlo-DIS
Theory cov: False
Title: Comparison between 190310-tg-nlo-DIS and 190310-tg-nlo-DIS
Author: Zahari Kassabov
Keywords: ['debug']
[WARNING]: Output folder exists: /home/zah/output Overwriting contents
[ERROR]: Bad configuration encountered:
use_theorycovmat should either be a bool or a path to a valid theory covariance matrix CSV