Decorrelation models
This PR contains additional files in which:
- systematic uncertainties for the ATLAS single-inclusive jets at 8 TeV are decorrelated w.r.t. rapidity bins;
- systematic uncertainties for the ATLAS 2011 W/Z data are decorrelated w.r.t. rapidity bins. This PR serves the purpose of running fits #M4 and #M3 in the wiki: a thing that should be done before we can merge this PR. @tgiani, can you please run #M4, @siranipour, can you please run #M3? Please note that #M4 requires to download theory 53 again. I think that we won't learn anything from #M4: the decorrelation model I was asked to implement is weaker than the correlation model used in all of the NNPDF4.0 fits by default. Anyway, let's do what was agreed several PCs ago.