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Corrected various mistakes in kinematic assignments

Emanuele Roberto Nocera requested to merge fixing_kinematics into master

This PR corrects various issues with the kinematics of three data sets included in NNPDF4.0 which prevented the correct visualisation in the scatter plot. The data sets (and the corrections) are as follows:

  • ATLAS_2JET_7TEV_R06, ATLAS_2JET_7TEV_R06: the invariant mass of the dijet pair was expressed in TeV instead of GeV;
  • CMS_2JET_7TEV: the square of the invariant mass of the dijet pair was reported instead of the invariant mass tout court;
  • ATLASZHIGHMASS49FB: an unnecessary kinematic transformation was specified in the PLOTTING file, which treated (wrongly) the invariant mass of the dilepton pair as a rapidity;
  • CMS_TTBAR_2D_DIFF_MTT_TRAP_NORM (and companion distributions): the invariant mass and rapidity columns in the DATA file were swapped.

It seems to me that the scatter plot is now sensible

Merge request reports
