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Seaquest data

Emanuele Roberto Nocera requested to merge seaquest into master

Created by: tgiani

Implementation of seaquest data from There are a number of things to be checked

  1. the data are not availbale from hepdata, so I copied them from the paper (please double check)
  2. the data are converted into data for distributions differential in hadronic rapidity and invariant mass using Eqs.(4.6), (4.7) from This is done with a python script saved in the rawdata folder
  3. there is a single source of systematic which is considered to be fully correlated as specified in the paper. Also, my understanding is that Eq.(9) of the paper gives the correlation matrix between statistical uncertainties. This is not implemented yet. Should I include it? (I guess so but I first want to check, for the 2001 data such covariance matrix is not implemented)
  4. I don't understand the very last paragraph of the paper, in particular Eq.(10). This might be relevant for the computation of theory predictions with apfel

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