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Modify vp-comparefits interface

Emanuele Roberto Nocera requested to merge modify_commparefits_interface into master

Created by: scarlehoff

vp-comparefits requires a number of arguments to be added when ran from command-line, however the --help doesn't really help on knowing which they are. I've grouped them so that one can quickly know which are mandatory:

  Mandatory command line arguments

  --title TITLE         The title that will be indexed with the report.
  --author AUTHOR       The author of the report.
  --keywords KEYWORDS [KEYWORDS ...]
                        keywords to index the report with.

Then there're the flags th_covmat_if_present and no-thcovmat_if_present which are both the same one. I guess there might be a good reason why having one of the two was made mandatory but I think it makes more sense to be false by default and use it if needed? I've put as reviewer people who modified this file just in case I broke something important...

Note: I've separated the thcovmat and the groupping commits so I can revert the thcovmat if there's a good reason for making it mandatory.

Merge request reports
