Fix to `check_cuts_considered`
Created by: scarlehoff
At some point check_cuts_considered
started being used for the fits, resulting in the following error when running the NLO runcards for instance.
~$ n3fit n3fit/runcards/reproduce_nnpdf40/NNPDF40_nlo_as_01180.yml 1
[WARNING]: Using q2min from runcard
[WARNING]: Using w2min from runcard
[ERROR]: Cannot process a resource:
Could not process the resource 'dataset_t0_predictions', required by:
- dataset_inputs_t0_predictions
- dataset_inputs_t0_covmat_from_systematics
- fitting_data_dict
- exps_fitting_data_dict
- replica_nnseed_fitting_data_dict
- replicas_nnseed_fitting_data_dict
- performfit
Cuts must be computed for this action, but they are set to fromsimilarpredictions
The check was only accepting fromfit and internal, now it accepts anything that isn't "nocuts".
Maybe it wasn't a bug but a feature though.