Fixed bugs of previous theorycovariance runcards and added new working runcards
Created by: andreab1997
Fixes issues #1519 (closed) and #1521 (closed) . Note that
- The flags fivetheories and seventheories are not used anymore in the runcard. The wanted prescription must be specified in point_prescription instead. Anyway the point_prescription : '7original point' and point_prescription : '5linear point' will not work because they are not implemented in validphys2/src/validphys/scalevariations
- Since the correct theoryids are now loaded directly by the dataspecs entry in the runcard seems to have no use. Anyway, since it could be used by other functions, maybe we should add a check to be sure that it corresponds to the correct point_prescription.
- The covariance_matrix_plots family of new runcards uses a new template (template_matrix_plot_new) which does not include some of the functions of the original one. That is because the issue #1520 (closed) has not been solved yet.
- All the default values of point_prescription, fivetheories and seventheories have been removed.
- Most of the previous bugs were caused by an incorrect order of arguments in some function calls.