Enable nf=3 with `evolven3fit_new`.
Created by: scarlehoff
This PR enables the possibility of running evolven3fit_new
with a fit in nf=3
In order to make it more general now the operator receives a card where every time there is a threshold the Q_threshold is passed for both nf
and nf+1
in order to avoid the hack of simply repeating one value.
The problem at the bottom threshold still remains.
Testing a fit evolved with apfel and eko for theory 200/400, they agree with a relative precision of 1e-3
for all points in x and for Q != mb (for nf=5 the agreement is a bit worse when you are close to mb).
I've done the same test for theory 211 (perturbative charm, fit done in nf=3), there we again have a problem at the bottom threshold but as far as I can see the same problem doesn't appear at the charm threshold not sure why.
-> The problem at Q=mb for nf=5 is being investigated. Might be connected to this issue: https://github.com/NNPDF/eko/issues/173
-> The problem at Q=mb for nf=4 is due to eko which at the moment returns an object after evolution which is pdf(q), and pdf(q, nf=4) get's overwritten by pdf(q, nf=5). (same thing happens at nf=3 in theory).
This is still a draft because I would like to:
Organize better the Q-grids in a separate file. -
Decide whether to set to 0.0 from n3fit
the exportgrid fornf > nf0