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Emanuele Roberto Nocera requested to merge evolvefit into master

Created by: scarrazza

This pull request is supposed to remove APFEL from nnfit, as discussed in #173 (closed) .

The code contains the following modifications:

  • no APFEL dependency in nnfit
  • evolvefit and nnfit share the same objects

I am opening this PR now (in a prototype stage) because as opposed to what we have been discussing in Amsterdam the APFEL initialization is not the only bottleneck of the DGLAP evaluation.

Here a summary of the situation:

  1. if we use the external grid (as nnfit does) the initialization takes 1000s while the evolution itself take 30 minutes per replica (!!)

  2. if we use the fast evolution with internal grids, the init. takes up to 10s and the evolution per replica can take approx. 1 min. This solution produces spikes as we well know.

Having these points in mind, I am not sure removing APFEL from nnfit still the best option, so here some ideas:

  • we can perform a tedious grid search for 2 until we reach a good compromise (if possible)
  • we can adapt evolvefit to work as revolvenet replica by replica in a cluster (but here I don't see any advantage)
  • forget about this PR, merge APFEL's PR that fixes the leaks, including EDI crashes (, and keep for future the development of a faster and more stable DGLAP algorithm.

Let me know what do you think.

Merge request reports
