[WIP] unlock internal effective exponents functions
Created by: wilsonmr
as per title
closes #683 (closed)
I want to check this a bit more thoroughly but now one can plot efffective exponents specifying just PDFs and their own basis and flavours:
template_text: |
# Effective Exponents in Flavour Basis.
## Internal function
{@ plot_betaEff_internal @}
basis: flavour
- NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_1000
- report(main=True)
or they should be able to do the old thing as before:
template_text: |
# Effective Exponents in Flavour Basis.
## Internal function
{@ plot_betaEff @}
- NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_1000
- report(main=True)
Likewise the effective_exponents_table_internal
should work to some extent. You will notice that if no fit is provided from which to take "previous exponents" then they are set to NaNs so that they are not plotted here is a quick example using a random PDF I had installed:
clearly todo:
Improve the index of the eff exp table to use nicer labels -
check that the old behaviour is reproduced -
introduce some tests.. -
improve documentation so it is clear which actions to use