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[New Common Data Format] JETS

Emanuele Roberto Nocera requested to merge test_old_jet_cd_to_new_cd into master

Created by: comane

PR for the implementation of existing Jet datasets into new CommonData format.

The PR is branched from (See also previous PR here:

See table and report below for details

Dataset Old Name Dataset New Name (including Observable Name) Included In NNPDF40 Fit General Notes Status of Implementation Extra Features (TODO)
ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06 ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06_PTY New implementation agrees with old one The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties
ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06_DEC Included in ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06 New implementation does not agree with old one. Splitting of uncertainties as done in the .cc file is a bit weird. Better to use the HEPdata file directly? The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties
ATLAS_2JET_7TEV_R06 ATLAS_2JET_7TEV_R06_M12Y New implementation does not agree with the old one. Bug in previous implementation (see also ) The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties
CMS_1JET_8TEV   There seems to be a bug in the old implementation, most likely introduced in the conversion correlation matrix to Covariance matrix The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties
CMS_2JET_7TEV CMS_2JET_7TEV_M12Y New Implementation agrees with old one. The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties

Report of Comparison Legacy Datasets vs New Datasets:

Merge request reports
