[New Common Data Format] JETS
Created by: comane
PR for the implementation of existing Jet datasets into new CommonData format.
The PR is branched from https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/pull/1678. (See also previous PR here: https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/pull/1699)
See table and report below for details
Dataset Old Name | Dataset New Name (including Observable Name) | Included In NNPDF40 Fit | General Notes | Status of Implementation | Extra Features (TODO) |
ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06 | ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06_PTY | New implementation agrees with old one | The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. | Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties | |
ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06_DEC | Included in ATLAS_1JET_8TEV_R06 | New implementation does not agree with old one. Splitting of uncertainties as done in the .cc file is a bit weird. Better to use the HEPdata file directly? | The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. | Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties | |
ATLAS_2JET_7TEV_R06 | ATLAS_2JET_7TEV_R06_M12Y | New implementation does not agree with the old one. Bug in previous implementation (see also https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/issues/1700 ) | The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader | Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties | |
CMS_1JET_8TEV | There seems to be a bug in the old implementation, most likely introduced in the conversion correlation matrix to Covariance matrix | The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. | Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties | ||
CMS_2JET_7TEV | CMS_2JET_7TEV_M12Y | New Implementation agrees with old one. | The structure of the metadata.yaml file has been checked with the new reader. | Use d’Agostini prescription for the treatment of asymmetric uncertainties | |
Report of Comparison Legacy Datasets vs New Datasets: https://vp.nnpdf.science/5DpNBePRSne1TZ1Sfky6Kg==